News Stories

Spain after COVID-19

The coronavirus crisis broke into our lives, turning our day to day upside down and forcing us to stay home. Step by step life is going back to normal as coronavirus lockdown restrictions are easing in Spain. Though we all know this new reality won’t be exactly the same again. 

Once the state of alarm has been announced it completely broke our usual daily routine and our habits, we had to adapt to the new rules, so how many of them will remain after the COVID-19 quarantine ends?

These days there are just couple of things that we are allowed to do away from home, mainly grocery shopping or going to a pharmacy. Our activities have to be adapted to the place we live in, no matter how many square meters we’ve got.

Many things can change once the quarantine is over. We will not be able to go or do everything we planned to do in the next months. 

Spain will spend summer 2020 without:

  • Sports events
  • Musical events
  • Social events
  • Manifestations
  • School, language courses, dance classes, etc
  • Bars, restaurants, cinemas, shopping centres, etc
  • Traveling

After quarantine in Spain, most people will change their point of view regarding several aspens of their lives. 

they will:

  • seriously think about getting a dog, so that there is always a reason to go out.
  • stop clapping doctors at 8 in the evening, but will continue dressing up fancy while chatting with neighbours at the balcony in the house in front.
  • evaluate their current job to understand wether it’s worth doing the same thing in the future. Maybe some online business will come up. Who knows?
  • start to appreciate their life more and our loved ones, communicate with them more and say words of love more often. 

The next apartment that they rent or buy will definitely be with a balcony. It is impossible to sit at home for a month without seeing what’s happening outside.

And most importantly, stop worrying over trifles, overestimate the canons of beauty, begin to love themselves as we are without makeup and a perfect body.

Despite the fact that quarantine has deprived the world of many lives, it hopefully taught us to be better people.